Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why I love teaching middle school and nursery

I was reading the different blogs that I keep track of, and I realized that it was time for me to post. It also just happened that I have two experiences that have made me laugh.

Middle school:

Student: "Miss Pierce, can I go and get a band-aid, cause I am bleeding?"
Me: "Where are you bleeding?"
Student: "Right here (showing me a finger tip that is NOT bleeding)."
Me: "You are not bleeding."
Student: "Yes I am."
Me: "No, you are not bleeding, you might have been bleeding before, but your finger is not bleeding."
Student: "I am still bleeding under my skin!"
Me: "No."


We were learning about the 10 lepers, and being thankful for all our blessings.

Me: "Today we are going to learn about 10 people who were really sick that Jesus bless and helped."
Child: "I know this story."
Me: "You you this story?"
Child: "Yeah, I know what happens."
Me: "Well do you know why these 10 people were really sick?"
Child: "Uh-huh, they were all really sick because they ate to many sandwiches!"
Me: "Oh."


Shaina said...

Love the stories. I had no idea that too many sandwhiches cause leprosy, good think I usually stop after about 2!

Becca Bell said...

I have found that talking to a 13 year-old is very much like talking to a 2 year old. The only major difference is how much farther down you have to tilt your head to see the 2 year-old.

Brittany said...

Well Becca, 13 year olds also have rarer potty "accidents"