Sunday, August 29, 2010

The first week of school

So we have completed a whole week of school. It was uneventful and eventful at the same time. Here is a summary of all the fun events that happened in my classroom.

1. Meeting all the students--I am excited to have this group of students. They are going to be a lot of fun, and I expect that this year will be full of adventures
2. The first Friday--I was lucky enough on this Friday to have no voice. As in zero. I was about as loud as a whisper. The students joked around about it, as did the teachers. I was just glad that it was on a Friday in which it had already been planned for the whole middle school to meet together. That meant that the other teacher got to do all the talking on that day.
3. The first 2 hour staff meeting of the year...yeah...
4. Exploding Coke using Mentos. This experiment was done because the students were learning about writing labs, and using the scientific method. The question was asked "How many Mentos would it take to cause coke to explode 6 feet?" The question was never answered, but it was fun to do.

Finally...this was my favorite thing to do so far...
5. Teaching 6th graders how to open a locker.

The end. Well really this is the beginning. Who knows what other fun things we have to look forward to in the near future. We will find out tomorrow when Monday comes again.


Tiffany J said...

I wish I had had you as a teacher when I was in Jr.High! lol I'm looking forward to lots of great stories!

Linda Stahr said...

I saw the other day that they exploded coke with mentos in Spain for some guiness record thing. apparently, they handed out rain coats and a bottle of coke to everyone who showed up, and they exploded all the bottles at the same time. looked pretty spectacular! I may have to do this for the sheer fun of it...