Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My experience at the grocery store.

So I just got back from the grocery store where I was picking up some strawberries, bananas, and milk with my dad. The following is a true story, and all conversation is completely accurate.

The scene: We are checking out and there is not a bagger, so rather than wait, I start to bag my own groceries.

The characters: Me, my dad, the bag boy (we will call him BB for short)

BB: Uh, ma'am I can do that for you.
Me: I think I just finished, thanks
BB: Oh, wanna job?
Me: I am already employed, but thanks
BB: Well this job has benefits
Me: I am a teacher
BB: OH. Where do you teach?
Dad: (the name of the school was given here, but shall not be shared.)
BB: Spanish?
Me: uh-huh.
BB: I need help with my spanish....

At this point I felt it was time to leave. I think I just got hit on by a bag boy who could not have been more than 17...


Tiffany J said...

That's how you know you still got it! Lol

Christen and Ian said...

ha-cha-cha britt!! haha, guess you should leave your seductive eyes at home for your next grocery store trip :)

Becca Bell said...

Why didn't you go for it?!?!?!

Becca Bell said...

Now that I think about it, I guess 17 is a little young......

Linda Stahr said...

Sounds like the makings of a banana split - until you toss in Mr. Amor! Bet you got a good laugh out of it though!