So down here, there is an annual contest among all the sixth graders and all the sixth grade teachers. It involves the Conservation agency, and all of the different types of energy conservation. Each year they sponser an energy conservation poster. This year the theme was "Water is Life" and we had to create posters on this theme. Each of my students was supposed to participate, and all of my students submitted posters for considerations. The prizes for this contest was money, and so all of my students put lots of effort into completeing this poster.
Well my students all told me that I was not going to win because the teacher who was in Stratton before I, was also going to be in the contest, and he was "really good at posters." So I told my students that I would not give in and that I was going to win. Well you probably guessed it, but yes I won. That is what the picture is, my winning poster.
So, how much money did you win? I hope you use it on something fun for yourself!
you can already tell it's a winner because of all the gold stars on it! Congratulations!
I want to know what the pot was too? I think I'd use it to go to some tropical island.
Looks like all those art classes at BYU finally paid off. Way to go!!
So that all know, I won 50 dollars, which knowing me, I will probably do something practical with.
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